Sunday, February 14, 2010

Four County Little League

Meeting Minutes

3 February 2010



Board of Director Attendees:


President:  Jim Gill

Vice President:  Scott Groene

Secretary:  Michelle Kaye

Coaching Director:  Pat Ronan

Equipment Manager:  Craig Abel

Safety Manager:  Tim Warehime

Field Manager:  Greg Smith

Division Directors:

              Majors: Eric Reese

              Minors:  Al Gordan

              Rookies:  Myra Smith

              Tee Ball:  Bryan Berndt

Sponsorship Coordinator:  Jenny Burke


Call to Order:  Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M.  Motion to approve January meeting minutes.  Motion approved.


Old Business:


·       Scoreboard has been purchased with full sponsorship from Illiano Properties.


Director reports:


President’s Report:


1.         This summer there will be a Potter Baseball tour to promote little league baseball.  More information to come later.

2.         There is a challenger division in Frederick if we have a need for it.

3.         The Little League International congress topics will be sent out to the FCLL Board of Directors.  Send any comments to FCLL President to consolidate and provide to the District Administrator.

4.         All Safety information and documents must be turned in by March 1st.

5.         Four-year olds are eligible to play Tee Ball.

6.         Additional field space has been identified.  This will allow teams more practice time.

7.         Recommend all coaches sign up for the Coach’s Registry.  The cost is $30.00 – for this you get a rule book, instructional DVDs, and more! Use the following link to sign up:


Sponsorship Report:  Sponsorship coordinator provided a status on current sponsorships and levels.   Need all sponsorship commitments completed by 1 March.  Coordinator will provide weekly status to Board members.


Coaching Report:


Safety Report:  Request for all volunteer forms to be turned in by 1 March.


Umpire Report:


Equipment Report:


Field Report:


Division Reports:

              Tee Ball






New Business:

·       The Board discussed uniform and hat purchases for the spring season. Motion was made to approve hats and uniforms for each level. Motion approved.

·       The Board discussed proposed upgrades to Russell Windsor field.  Discussions tabled for March meeting.  Members are to provide cost estimates at March meeting for suggested field improvements.


Adjournment:   Motion to adjourn meeting was approved.  Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.  Next meeting will be held on Thursday, 4 March 2010 at 7:00 P.M.                Check the calendar on the FCLL website for location.




Saturday, February 13, 2010

FCLL Spiritwear and Apparel provided by "Scribs Sports"

Do you want to show your FCLL Spirit with a sweatshirt, shorts or baseball bag?

You need FCLL Spiritwear!

We are happy to introduce our partnership with Scribs Sports located in Downtown Mount Airy.

We encourage you to order you FCLL package today so it will be here in time for opening day.

If you have any questions about FCLL Spiritwear, contact Scribs Sports.

Scribs Sports
202 South Main Street
Mount Airy, MD 21771
(301) 829-1456

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2010 Safety Program

The season is fast approaching.  Little League takes pride in the fact that we have a safety track record second to none.  Some of the safety innovations you see in other youth sports got their start here in Little League.

Part of our Safety plan is that ALL of FCLL's volun
teers go through a background check prior to interacting with our children.

If you are a Managers, Coach, Umpire, Team Parent, or have any other continuous contact with the players of FCLL, you MUST complete a volunteer application and submit it with a copy of your driver's license.  This needs to be done each year you volunteer.  Even if dad want's to help the manager at practice for a few practices or games, you must complete the form.  It only takes minutes and only needs to be done once a year.

lease take a minute to download the form by clicking here.  Then you have a few options to turn it in.

  1. Scan it and email it to (the form must be complete, have your signature and you must scan your driver's license as well - Note:  this is the preferred method of turning in your form)
  2. Fax it to 866-741-4123 (the form must be complete, have your signature and you must fax your driver's license as well)
  3. Mail it to:  P.O. Box 512, Mount Airy, MD  21771 (the form must be complete, have your signature and you must mail your driver's license as well)
  4. Hand it to a league representative prior to February 21, 2010 (the form must be complete, have your signature and you must provide your driver's license as well)
The league receives discounts and incentives for being 100% compliant.  Last season we were the first league in our district to be 100% compliant.  Let's do it again in 2010.  We need to have all the volunteer forms to a league official by February 21.  If you have any questions, you can email

If you even think you will help out, please submit the form.

Thank you for your help.

For more information about Little League's ASAP Safety Program, click here.